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 › 金剛山で遊ブログ › 2025年01月18日


1/18 朝の金剛山の状況です。

1/18 雪の状況と道路状況です。

#金剛山 #金剛登山 #ちはや星と自然のミュージアム #ちはや園地 #金剛山の自然 #大阪府民の森ちはや園地 #金剛山好きな人と繋がりたい #ちは星 #ちはや園地ゆきだるまコンテスト2024 #金剛山道路状況

Mt. Kongo this morning

Saturday, January 18th, snowfall and road conditions. There is no snow on Route 705.

You can also enter the mountain from the parking lot of the Kongo mountain trail.

However, the mountain trail is completely frozen, so you will need crampons even from the base. You cannot climb without crampons.

Please enjoy the snowy mountain safely today as well.

Photo 1: There is no snow or ice on Route 705, but the mountain trail is completely frozen. You cannot climb without crampons!

Photo 2: The icicles hanging from the roof of the museum are getting longer.

Photo 3: Look! This beautiful blue sky and white snow!

Photo 4: Safely play on a sled down this low hill in the picnic area. Hot cup noodles are available for purchase at the museum.